Your Single Source Filtration Supplier
Tel: 353 21 4355611
Puls Jet Cartridges
PULS JET cartridges are the most recognizable filter cartridges because of the three lugs structure. This air filter cartridge can be delivered with 3 and 4 lugs. All PULS JET filters can be equipped with our high-strength filter media and high efficiency filter media. Pulse JET cartridges are filter cartridges with aluminum flanges.
We also offer environmental friendly air filter cartridges. The ENVIRO Puls Jet Cartridge is totally metal free dust filter cartridges.
WE can provide you with our many years experience in air filtration our experience is your quality and we are proud to guide your with our professional support, when purchasing some of our high quality air filter products
Range of Diameters
NL 150/205
NL 225/265 (3 and 4 lugs)
NL 325/365